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Among the environments II

Sale price$350.000

For Nicholas Morrison, the sounds and interferences of consciousness create variations and bodies that come from an inner life. They are presented in a distorted way with distant voices among colors and symbols that can be seen, between light and shadow, in a blurred way. Metaphors or images of a spiritual journey that call attention to what the agitation of the unknown dictates.

Acrylic on canvas
32 x 40 cms



Among the environments II

Nicolas Morrison

Among the environments II

Among the environments II
Among the environments II Sale price$350.000


Nicolas Morrison

Nicolás Morrison investigates the potential of painting and the pulse that resides beneath its formal aspects. The artist carries out research into the language offered by the ideas of colour, space and form, as well as materiality and their possible plastic intersections. The suggestions of narrative elements are an excuse to think about the behaviours that painting brings with it and the visual language of materials. Thus, his work elaborates sensitive layers traced by movement and time, where each colour, materiality and rhythm come from an aesthetic exercise that reminds us that art, before being an object in itself, can be understood as an experience.